HIPAA Compliance

 HIPAA was designed to establish standards and requirements for electronic   transmission and storage of certain healthcare information used by healthcare providers, health plans and business entities involved in healthcare. The intent of the legislation was to improve the portability and continuity of health benefits, to ensure greater accountability in the area of healthcare fraud, and to simplify the administration of health insurance. HIPAA  regulations have extensive impact on healthcare organizations, including health plans, providers and clearinghouses. These requirements affect the organization structure and procedures, physical accommodations, and technical equipment and capabilities. Outlined below are some of the significant   effects of HIPAA on the medical practice.  

Disaster Recovery

Identifying potential risks, planning for emergencies, including periodic backup of data, critical facilities availability and disaster recovery procedures.    

Security Standards for Health Information

Determining level of access to healthcare information and providing training to all   practice staff members about privacy and security procedures.  

Physical and Administrative Procedures

Securing workstations, network and storage media, keeping records of authorized access   and implementing workstation policies and regular backup of data. Designating a privacy official to oversee the confidentiality and security procedures.  

Maintaining Written Policies and Procedures

Documenting compliance of HIPAA rules and making these available to all personnel. Implementing chain of trust agreements with partners with whom the practice exchanges healthcare information. This   list is not inclusive but delineates some of the areas critical for HIPAA compliance relating to small group practices.    

MEDSYS uses HIPAA Compliant Medical Billing Technology

MEDSYS is committed to providing clients with medical billing technology that provides advanced medical billing services to maximize the efficiency of the reimbursement cycle. MEDSYS currently uses MICROMD, eCLINICALWORKS and CERNER, all HIPAA compliant and very reputed software systems that enable clients to have real-time access to their financial profile with the peace of   mind that HIPAA regulations are met and patient information is secure. MEDSYS uses CITRIX technology to give live access to clients. MEDSYS handles the medical billing reimbursement process from transaction entry to collection, utilizing the latest technology.

How it Works

Each client has access to their individual patient database which is stored on a secure server. Through an exclusive login via the Internet, healthcare providers may access their patient database from any computer that has an Internet connection and that is set up to access the secured data online. Within this private network, providers can establish new patients in their database, use the appointment module, review patient data, post co-payments, print   reports, and more. Meanwhile, MEDSYS is managing the claims submission   process and submitting the medical claims electronically to the clearinghouse for processing. Since MEDSYS uses the same system that physicians have access to at their office, all MEDSYS clients have LIVE access to their claims analysis and status reports.